Carpet Cleaning Blog


Thank you for looking at our first carpet cleaning blog. It is an important cleaning blog and one that makes for interesting reading. You may ask yourself, why do i need a Crb checked carpet cleaner? Al cleaners are trustworthy and they work for a company so what could go wrong? Well, to be honest the truth is that what you see is not always what you get.

This cleaning blog is not about scare moungering but it's about how we view tradesmen who appear on our doorsteps with a nice smile, uniform and sound polite, but the truth of the matter is, are they criminals, have they just been released from prison, are they on the sex offenders register??? You may think to yourself that a company possibly wouldnt have criminals working for them but in jobs with manual labour anything can happen. It's not as if manual labour jobs don't attract criminals because most company's nowadays think if the face fits then the jobs is yours because not all references are checked.

I would suggest asking a cleaning company before you employ a house cleaner or carpet cleaner in the future, ask the company is your cleaner Crb checked? Crb stands for criminal records bureau where employers check the background of potential workers when they are considered for jobs of trust, e,g; Banks, Betting Shops, Care Homes, Casino's, Cashier Jobs, Hospitals, Jewelry shops, Nursey's, Schools and working with vulnerable adults. Crb has now been replaced with DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service)

I am about to relay an article that i came accross not too long ago about another tradesmen in the carpet cleaning business. He was apparently a very successful businessman but one thing i must add, until he was exposed all women needing cleaning in their area noted that they and their teenage daughters were not safe when he was in their homes. The reason being is that this guy is on the sex offenders register, and if you asked him for a Crb certificate, the new DBS certificate he would not be able to show you as it would show he has a criminal record for a ghastly crime and intentions. If you would like to know more click here and be prepared to be shocked but not surprised as looks can very well be decieving no matter who knocks on your door.

All carpet cleaning professionals who clean for 1st For Quality are Crb checked, so there's no need to worry about crimnals coming into your home or office. There's one thing my wife said to me when i started this cleaning business many years ago, which is only 25% of companies in the cleaning industry insist on Crb checks. Thats quite a low number of reputable compoanies but could this mean that those other companies who don't insist on this type of security for their customers mean that they don't worry about their reputation as long as they are making money?

If you have liked our first post please check back soon as we will be posting some interesting carpet cleaning blogs when we know of any news that will interest our many customers, thanks for reading our first blog.